About Us
I believe if we get to know and learn nature, we will love it and what we love we will want to protect and look after
Hello my name is Mimi and aswell as a mum to 3 children and Ofsted outstanding registered childminder I am also a Level 3 qualified Forest school leader of 8 years now FSA accredited 2 years in a row.I am truly passionate about the holistic approach to learning and development that the Forest school ethos offers supporting children through self initiated play and exploration to become naturally active explorers and life long protectors and
About Us
I believe if we get to know and learn nature, we will love it and
what we love we will want to protect and look after

Hello my name is Mimi and aswell as a mum to 3 children and Ofsted outstanding registered childminder I am also a Level 3 qualified Forest school leader of 8 years now FSA accredited 2 years in a row.I am truly passionate about the holistic approach to learning and development that the Forest school ethos offers supporting children through self initiated play and exploration to become naturally active explorers and life long protectors and keepers of the world around us. Through cooking, music, movement, stories, bushcraft, Wildart and mindfulness (and much more) I love finding new ways to inspire and engage people of all ages to immerse themselves in nature, make discoveries, play, explore and connect with the natural environment.
I feel incredibly blessed that every day I get to do a job I love, play in the woods, make connections, share my enthusiasm for nature, sit by the fire sharing stories and conversations, climb trees, cook and share food, get muddy, be in and connect with nature all with some amazing families, children and schools. It is magical to watch the children’s imaginations run wild and free, blossom in confidence, share and see their ideas come to life and develop an inquisitive and positive relationship with the natural world
Our aims at Wild Wood Rangers are to provide an adventurous, playful creative and safe outdoor experiences that encourage an appreciation, awareness and connection with the natural environment themselves and each other so they can boldly journey into life. To offer an holistic approach to learning and development with experiences that stimulate a child's curiosity, enthusiasm, imagination and awareness as they explore, discover and play in the natural world.
We are committed to ensuring that all children are respected and valued for their individuality. Through nurturing independence, self-esteem and sense of responsibility, within our safe learning environment, we are enabling the children to be risk takers and to problem solve, all of which are offered by the Forest Schools philosophy. By instilling these skills and qualities from an early age we can scaffold and prepare them for their journey through life, and in doing so promote, an inner motivation based on a love of learning, eagerness to make discoveries and to explore their natural world
We facilitate and support their learning by providing open ended activites for the children to explore and discover at their own pace and in their own style, providing time and space to follow their own ideas and interests in a real and meaningful context. If there is something specific they want to try: from whittling, to constructing, to bug hunting to cooking, then we will provide the support and encouragement for them to have a go, in a meaningful, fun and practical way equipping them with some useful lifelong skills along the way. Rather than directing their play the child leads their own learning, we step outside the box and observe, scaffolding new understandings as they emerge, extend their learning with new challenges or open ended questions and capitalise on that teachable moment. .
We want to enable each child attending our play sessions to have the opportunity to develop an inquisitive and positive relationship with the natural world and to encourage a responsibility for nature conservation in later life whilst increasing confidence, self-esteem and respect in preparation for an ever changing world, and for every child to have the opportunity to achieve their holistic, full potential.
Wild Wood rangers offers community Forest school sessions, Wild woodland workouts, Wild Woodland parties, Home Ed family sessions, bush craft camps, Woodcraft workshops, Wild women of the Woods sessions, after school clubs. We deliver bespoke forest school programmes to nurseries and primary Schools. To discuss your requirements please contact us or click here to take a look at sessions currently on offer.
Many thanks and hope to see many of you in the woods sometime soon
Mimi x
Ofsted Registered childminder and Forest school leader
07500 810823